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A cost-effective and compact digital power meter for home appliance, office equipment, power and process control automation equipment measurement.


Powerful and Cost-Effective Compact Digital Power Meter

SPA1000 is widely used for power industry testing, office or home appliance power consumption measurement, and battery-driven and other energy-driven device assessment, and motor energy efficiency testing, etc. SPA1000 also provides real-time waveform display, waveform recording, harmonic analysis and other features. Users can remotely control the device via a PC with the SUITA PM Viewer software.


Please see the specification PDF for more information about this product. Please contact about optional equipment for this product.

Suita SPA1000 Digital Power Meter – Single-channel Digital Power Meter

    • High measurement accuracy: ± (0.1% of reading + 0.05% of the range)
    • Voltage measurement range: 6 - 1,000V
    • Current measurement range: 5mA - 20A
    • Bandwidth: DC, 0.1Hz - 100KHz
    • Sampling rate: 100kS/s
    • Power channel: 1
    • Up to 100th harmonic measurements
    • 4 D/A output modules
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