The S3601 is a powerful and efficient Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) widely used in industries like wireless communications, cable TV, and automotive electronics, etc.
The S3601 can be used for accurate measurement to filters, amplifiers, antennas, cable etc. S3601 has a LCD screen and a friendly GUI. It also supports various interfaces such as USB, LAN, GPIB and VGA to build a measurement system.
Calibration kits available at a discounted price with purchase of any Saluki VNA. Please ask for more details.
Key Features
- Frequency range 100 kHz-3 GHz / 8.5GHz
- 125 dB wide dynamic range.
- Multiple calibration methods.
- Standard interfaces including USB, LAN, GPIB, VGA
- Low noise level, good measurement performance.
- Multi-window, multi-channel measurement display.
- Various display formats including logarithmic amplitude, linear range, standing wave, phase, group delay, smith chart, polar diagram
Saluki S3601 Vector Network Analyzer VNA (up to 8.5GHz)
Frequency Range
100 KHz-3 GHz
100 KHz-8.5 GHz
Frequency Resolution
Output Power
-45 dBm-10 dBm
-55 dBm-10 dBm
Max. Dynamic Range
125 dB
125 dB
IF Bandwidth
1 MHz-5 MHz
Number of Built-In Ports
Measurement Point
1 - 16001
No. of Measurement Receiver
Reference Level Amplitude Setting
Range: ±500 dB; Resolution: 0.001 dB
Reference Phase Settings
Range: ±500 °; Resolution: 0.01 °
Measurement Fields
Frequency domain and Time domain