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The S3101 is a new generation Cable and Antenna Analyzer that boosts your troubleshooting and testing speed while optimizing usability. Utilizing the latest advancements in technology, the S3101 has been optimized for field conditions, ease of use, and efficient sweep management capabilities. 


Frequency Range1MHz - 4GHz1MHz - 8GHz
Frequency Uncertainty±2×10-6 (23°C)±2.5×10-6 (23°C)
Frequency Temperature Stability±1×10-6 (10°C)±1×10-6 (10°C)
Frequency Resolution1kHz1kHz
Directivity>=42dB (Mechanical calibration)>=42dB (1MHz - 6GHz)
>=35dB (Embedded electronic calibration)>=36dB (6GHz - 8GHz)
Source Match>=31dB (Mechanical calibration)>=31dB
Reflection Track±0.08dB (Mechanical calibration)±0.08dB
Test PortN type (F)
10 Ref In/Ref OutBNC
GPS Antenna PortBNC
Data StorageUSB, Mini USB, Mini SD
Network PortLAN RJ45
Audio OutHeadphone port
Output Power Range0 to -30dBm
Return Loss Range-100dB to 100dB
Return Loss Resolution0.01
VSWR Range1 - 65
VSWR Resolution0.01
Cable Loss Range0 - 30dB
Cable Loss Resolution0.01dB
Sweep Points2 - 1001
Sweep Time (10k IF bandwidth)1ms/point

This product comes with a 3 year (36 month) warranty from the manufacturer.

    Saluki S3101A/B VNA Cable & Antenna Analyzer (1MHz - 4/8GHz)

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