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With new features, Ohm-Labs' model MCS Multiple Current Shunt for the first time overcomes much of the chief problem with accurate current measurement.

Traditional passive shunts generate heat under power. Heat changes their resistance, and thus their voltage output. Various strategies – finned designs, even adding fans – have been tried to reduce errors from self-heating.

The MCS bonds cooling modules to the shunts themselves. A thermistor embedded in the shunt monitors its temperature. As the temperature rises with the application of current, the cooling modules remove heat, reducing the major source of uncertainty in current measurement.

The internal bus construction minimizes connection errors common to many other shunts.

A set of 10 K thermistors allows the user to monitor the temperature of each shunt during use.

All shunts in the MCS are of bifilar construction, for close ac/dc conformance.

ISO 17025 accredited, NIST traceable calibration is included through the full current range of each shunt. The Report of Calibration includes current / temperature characterization for each shunt.

For less than the cost of five separate precision shunts, the MCS provides superior performance and greater versatility.

The standard model shunts are listed below. Custom or special value shunts can be supplied to meet your test requirements.

Ohm-Labs' Multiple Current Shunt - Temperature Stabilized, <1 to 300 A

  • Please allow 4 weeks for this product to arrive. 

    This product has a 5 year warranty. 

  • Please see photo for full breakdown of specifications.

    • WIDE RANGE: <1 TO 300 A
    • DC OR AC USE
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