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The DCNTS is a two channel Phase and Amplitude noise analyzer. Its dual demodulator architecture allows the system to use cross-correlation to cancel its internal noise and limitation; it is like comparing the outputs of 2 systems and only display the similarities while rejecting differences.

It is capable of measuring absolute phase or amplitude noise but also residual phase noise under CW or pulsed conditions. The input frequency goes from 2 MHz to 140 GHz. Residual noise testing is for devices like frequency multipliers or dividers, amplifiers or any other phase coherent input to output device.

It is capable of measuring frequency translating devices like pre-scalers or frequency multipliers.

Pulse compatible, the system is perfect for very demanding Defense and Aerospace applications. Its state of the art dynamic range makes it the lowest noise floor instrument of the market.


  • Lowest noise floor of the industry: -195 dBc/Hz !
  • Two channel architecture to use cross-correlation processing
  • All kinds of methods available, the « swiss army knife » for phase noise testing
  • Pulsed signals or standard CW type
  • Residual/Additive Phase Noise Measurements
  • Absolute Phase or amplitude noise measurments
  • Extensive Jitter computation library
  • Fast ATE System


Input Frequency :2 MHz to 1.8/26.5/40/50 GHz, options to 140 GHz
Offset analysis:0.001 Hz to 40 MHz
Cross Correlation averages1 to 100,000 , individually settable per decade
Accuracy 1 Hz – 1 MHz offset:+/- 2 dB
Accuracy 1 M – 40 MHz offset:+/- 3 dB
Instantaneous Resolution Bandwidth:3 mHz to 46 kHz


Noise XT DCNTS Phase Noise Analyzer - Phase Noise Test System

  • Please contact us for a quote or more information about this product. or (905) 406 - 0100

    • PN9490: 40 MHz offset span extension with high resolution.
    • PN9341: 26 GHz Full Amplitude and Phase detectors compatible with pulsed signals.
    • PN9813: Internal video filter bank for pulsed signals measurements.
    • PN9041: Extension rack to house additional options.
    • PN9100B: New Low Noise Reference Synthesizer.
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