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HT2234N model is a digital portable meter which can perform accurate speed measurements of rotating mechanical elements (rotating disks, motor parts, etc.) with or without contact using a laser emission ray transmitted and received from the object under test. As auxiliary feature HT2234N has an internal event counter which is very important for example on end-of-line factory controls. HOLD and MIN/MAX/AVE features are also performed by this meter. A wide number of accessories are included for speed measurements with direct contact with the object under test.

HT Instruments HT2234N Revolution Counter

  • Please allow 4-5 weeks for this product to arrive.

    This product comes with a 1 year manufacturer warranty.


    • RPM or RPS measures with contact
    • RPM or RPS measures without contact
    • Measurements on surfaces expressed in m/min, ft/min or yd/min
    • Events counter up to 99999
    • Data HOLD
    • Auto Power OFF
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