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Pulse Limiter/Attenuator is required to protect the RF input stages of sensitive equipment from unpredictable spikes generated during conducted emission testing of a DUT.

We recommend the utilization of our Pulse Limiter/Attenuator with all our EMI receivers, in particular whenever DUT are tested for the first time.

These Spikes with a high spectral density/Pulse energy can seriously damage all input stages such as, attenuators, pre-amplifier, preselector or mixer of receivers as well as other RF sensitive equipment such as Spectrum Analysers.

PAT20M 20dB Attenuator is designed to stand Pulse Voltages up to 1Ws.

AFJ PAT20M Pulse Limiter Attenuator 20dB Pulse Voltage 1W

  • Please contact us for a quote or more information about this product. or (905) 406 - 0100

    • Insertion loss: 20dB ±0.3dB
    • Frequency range: f=9kHz-30MHz
    • Low pass filter up to: f=100MHz
    • VSWR with 50W termination: Input <1.05, Output  <1.15
    • Power-handling capacity (continuous operation): 1W
    • Pulse energy-handling capacity: 1Ws (500ms)
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