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Fully FFT digital EMI Receiver for measurement of conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference from 9kHz to 1GHz.

Compact designed and manufactured compliant to CISPR 16 International Standard, using FFT Scan Mode for fast measurements of conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference in accordance with requirements of EMI International, European and Product standards, pre-selectors and advanced software for EMC testing.

Based on a PC integrated architecture with WINDOWS 10 Embedded OS, FFT 3110 EMI Receiver is ready to operate through 10.1" LCD display and advanced software for EMC testing, fitted with pre-selectors that allow excellent dynamic range and precise conducted and radiated emission measurements covering the frequency range from 9kHz tp 1GHz.


FFT 3110 EMI Receiver is suited for measurement of electromagnetic interference in accordance with the requirements of CISPR 14-1 (household appliances industry), CISPR 15 (lighting equipment industry) and CISPR 25 (automotive industry) standards.

Further to conducted emission measurements from 9kHz to 30MHz with LISN, CISPR 14-1 standard requires radiated power emission measurements from 30MHz to 300MHz with absorbing clamp, CISPR-15 standard requires radiated emission measurements from 30MHz to 300MHz with CDN method, CISPR 25 standard requires conducted emission measurements from 9kHz to 108MHz.


AFJ FFT 3110 EMI Receiver 9kHz - 1GHz with Signal Generator

  • Please contact us for a quote or more information about this product. or (905) 406 - 0100

    •  Compact unit designed and manufactured compliant to CISPR 16-1-1;
    •  FFT Scan Mode compliant to CISPR 16-3;
    •  Peak, Quasi-Peak, CISPR Average, RMS and CISPR RMS Detectors;
    •  Pre-selectors;
    •  Integrated signal generator;
    •  Advanced software for EMC testing;
    •  Critical frequencies fast detection by through overview measurement;
    •  1Hz PRF CISPR 16-1-1 calibrated pulse weighting.
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