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The powerful log periodic antennas of the HyperLOG® 70xx series are a quantum leap in performance, functionality and antenna-design in their respective price categories.

The exceptional specifications of the HyperLOG® antenna-series are recognized impressively by an abundance of ISO calibration certificates and the DKD-certified SERCO AG laboratory. The HyperLOG® antennas are thus the perfect solution for both mobile measurement and direction finding applications as well as the laboratory.

Every HyperLOG® antenna goes through rigorous testing in our laboratories before dispatch and is equipped with a high quality GOLD COATING, a high-tech antenna-case (Radom) which offers protection against mechanical damange and environmental influence, a top-quality integrated tripod connection and an SMA connector (18GHz version) with twist protection.

Apart from application as a high quality measurement-antenna and direction finder, this emc-antenna is also very well suited as a directional-antenna for WLan, WiFi, and other directional communication applications.

• Only a single broadband antenna for the complete frequency range from 700 MHz up to 6 GHz
• Optimal for usage with spectrum analysers for EMC measurement
• Incl. high-tech radom with modern, appealing design
• Freely alignable polarisation
• Calibration data can be saved to an IC on the antenna and also be read back
• Excellent forward/backward ratio
• Excellent symmetry of radiation patterns
• Integrated 1/4" tripod socket
• Suitable for mobile use
• Suitable for outdoor installation
• Directional
• Robust design
• Splash water proof
• Small weight and dimensions
• Made in Germany

Aaronia HyperLOG 7040 Directional Logarithmic Antenna 700MHz-4GHz

  • Dimensions (L/W/D): (340x200x25) mm
    Antenna factor 23-38dB/m
    Design Log-periodic
    Frequency range 700MHz - 4GHz
    Guarantee 2 years
    Weight 270 g
    Gain (typ.) 4dBi
    RF connection SMA socket (18GHz) or N socket using an adapter
    Calibration points 333 (10MHz-steps)
    Included with delivery HyperLOG 7040 antenna, typical calibration data with up to 533 calibration points (10MHz steps!), aluminum design carrycase, detachable handle with "miniature tripod" mode, Aaronia SMA toolset with over-torque protection
    Max. transmission power 100W CW (400MHz)
    Nominal impedance 50 Ohms
    Polarisation linear vertical/horizontal
    Return loss Better than -10dB
    Tripod connection 1/4"
    VSWR (typ.) <1:2
    Series antennas HyperLOG
    Antenna shape LogPer
    Reception type Directional
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