Here are the questions we are being asked most frequently.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes. We ship Internationally by Canada Post, UPS, FedEx, and DHL.
Will I be charged for taxes?
For customers in the USA, all purchases arrive cleared. Any brokerage or tariffs/customs fees are prepaid by us. Your item arrives FOB destination.
If you are importing an item internationally, you may be charged taxes, duty, or brokerage. These rules vary from country to country, check with the import rules of your country or state.
What is your returns policy?
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you will receive a full refund if the item is returned within 14 days. Please contact us to coordinate a return.
Do you refund?
On used equipment, yes! If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you will receive a full refund if the item is returned within 14 days.
Still have questions? Contact us at 905 406 0100
Are your prices in USD?
Yes, all of our prices are in United States Dollars (USD)
What forms of payments do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Paypal online. We also accept traditional payments like wire transfer, cash, or money order. We accept Purchase Orders from large companies with approval.
What are your warranty terms & conditions?
All used equipment comes with a minimum 90 Day Warranty. Your unit is guaranteed to be fully functional or money will be refunded upon return. New products typically carry a 1 Year Warranty.